This template represents my latest approach to providing a solution to developing a multi-page application with a reactive front end utilizing the power of Vue.
This is part three of the series javascript simplified. This entry takes what we learned from the previous two posts to enable us to create our own version of LINQ in javascript.
This is part three of the series javascript simplified. This entry takes what we learned from the previous two posts to enable us to create our own version of LINQ in javascript.
This is part two of the series javascript simplified. This entry covers the callbacks, anonymous functions, and ES6 arrow functions, otherwise known as fat arrow notation.
This series of blog posts is meant to be as a means to get started using the language quickly and hopefully gain an appreciation of how the programming language of the web has evolved. This entry covers the history of javascript objects, including constructors, properties and methods.
The VidereCMS documentation site has been moved and improved. Check it out at
Get up and developing quickly with the open source Videre CMS platorm by using this template.
After years of development in a private git repository, I decided it was time to publish my work. You can check out the git repository or the Videre CMS website.
It is amazing that something as simple as a primitive data-type can cause so much grief to a developer. This has been the case for me when dealing with properties that are of type DateTime. At first, most developers simply desire to treat a property with this data-type like any other datatype (int, double, string, bool). This ends up working just fine until...
Undertaking a project such as building a CMS needs to have a vision for what it will become, otherwise, the solution has a tendency to get side-tracked not accomplish its main goals. The following outlines the main principles that should guide our decisions in building our CMS.
Its an age old problem. You have a method that needs to report whether it executed successfully and if it did, you need to return the result. Some developers will choose...
One of the common problems faced by programmers is the need to reduce redundant code. Typically this is in a form where we need specific code surrounded by a common code block. Probably the best known version of optimizing this type of code is the c# using statement for disposing of objects. Instead of having to write the following code everywhere we interact with a disposable object